
Barbados Advertising and Marketing

Advertising Your Barbados Business

Spread The Word …

Want to get your message heard but don’t know where to start?

You’ll find spreading the word in Barbados is easier than you think.

The formula is really quite simple: increased exposure generates increased business and what better way to get your message out there than to take advantage of the various advertising opportunities available on the island?

Because Barbados is a small community, establishing a strong business presence is not too difficult. Generally, company (or brand) recognition is relatively easy to accomplish and there is a whole range of techniques and mediums you can use.

Where Do I Start?

Firstly, you’ll need to strategize your ‘plan of attack’ – what are your key messages, who do you wish to target, and what are the objectives of your advertising?

The answers to these questions will depend on the type and size of your business, and of course your budget.

You’ll then need to decide which communications channels you wish to push your advertising through, and there are a variety of mediums you can use here in Barbados to get your message heard.

The Internet

The Internet has become immensely powerful communications medium and advertising on popular websites such as our internationally acclaimed Totally Barbados can work wonders for your business, both big and small.

Don’t forget the extra option of using social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram just to name a few to aid you in your advertising goals.

You may also wish to consider approaching relevant blogs such as The Bajan Reporter (www.bajanreporter.com) to see their advertising space options, or they could be interested in the products and/or services your business has to offer and may offer you a review or feature. Whatever the case, it’s worth asking the question!

There’s also the option of online newspapers such as Barbados Today (www.barbadostoday.bb). It’s well worth investigating their advertising options to ensure you capture the audience you’re looking to connect with.

Want to advertise with us on Totally Barbados?
For further more information, please contact Brett Callaghan at (246) 572-2420.

Local Advertising

The Nation (www.nationnews.com) and The Barbados Advocate (www.barbadosadvocate.com) are the two leading local newspapers in Barbados and both capture the island-wide market.

Both of these newspapers also offer various inserts and magazines on certain days of the week, which are also other avenues to consider when exploring your advertising options.

Generally, you can take out anything from a quarter page ad to a full-page ad for various prices, or you may wish to consider placing an ad in the classifieds section.

Your advertising exposure all depends on your overall objective and certainly on your budget, but as you can see, there’s plenty of options for you to consider.

For further information in relation to local newsprint advertising, on innovative ways in which to make the press ‘work for you’ please contact The Nation at (246) 430-5400 or The Barbados Advocate at (246) 467-2000.

Hint: You might also wish to think about regional advertising. There are plenty of options, particularly online, for you to choose from such as Caribbean 360 (www.caribbean360.com/#axzz2revEgTsv), an online regional new center. A simple Google search will reveal a world of new options you may have never considered.


The Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is a local public television and radio broadcaster that telecasts programs daily on the local television channel – 8. Although cable television is found in most homes throughout the island, many Barbadians still viewers tune in to the local channel to view: Good Morning Barbados, Chat Room, various shows and of course the local news.

There are numerous advertising opportunities and the capable staff at CBC will help guide you. For further information, please contact CBC at (246) 429-2041467-5400 or check out their website at www.cbc.bb.


The CBC also owns and operates three radio stations in Barbados, and the Starcom Network Inc. (http://starcomnetwork.net) operates four. Both companies offer advertising spots on their shows and are well-established in the industry. You’d be amazed at how many Barbadians tune into the radio so these are also great local options to get your message heard.

A well-established organization, Starcom’s helpful staffs are always open to new companies and enjoy sharing creative ways in which to help you capture your target market.

For further information about Starcom Network Inc., please contact at (246) 430-7300.

Advertising and Marketing Agencies

Barbados offers some of the most resourceful advertising agencies in the Caribbean. Get them on board to help you promote your product or service. They’ll assist you by creating a strategic approach to your advertising and can also help to re-brand your company, as well as introduce you to important industry connections and networks.

Should you wish assistance with re-branding your company, creating a mascot or ensuring that your goals are met within the budget set, contact the experts in this field.

There are also a variety of public relations (PR) consultants and communications agencies who offer a similar service to help drive your business forward and engage your audience.

See our Local Listings section for a list of Advertising and Marketing companies island-wide.


Other Alternatives

There are always new and creative alternative methods to go about advertising your business to the island and beyond.

Don’t underestimate the power of things like promotional posters, stickers, brochures/flyers, and signage to get you seen and heard.

Additionally, island magazines and publications like M people Magazine and Ins and Outs of Barbados offer advertising options, and there are plenty of other Bajan publications can really push out your message to your target audience.

Why not try hosting an event to promote your message? You could even alert the media by inviting them to the event, which may just generate some free publicity and a great day out for the journalist, so it’s a win/win situation!

Tip: The local ‘grapevine’ also works wonders in Barbados. You’ll find good old word of mouth a very powerful advertising tool if you use it creatively to spread your message island-wide.

Author: Brett Callaghan

About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.