
Seeking employment in Barbados is similar to that of anywhere else in the world, but there are a few ‘island-specific’ details that you’ll need to take note of during your job hunting process.

The government of Barbados continues efforts to reduce the unemployment rate of the country, which was recorded at 13.2% in the last quarter of 2013. There are many avenues to explore when it comes to job seeking on the island, and you never know what opportunities may present themselves during your search. It pays to stay focused, get creative, and be persistent when trying to get your foot in the door with potential employers here in Barbados.

Below, you will find an overview of tips relating to employment on the island; however, we also have a variety of employment-related pages with much more detail to help you get the ball rolling in your quest for your perfect job in Barbados.

Local Job Postings

You will find local job postings for the island are most commonly listed in Barbados’ two leading newspapers:

The Nation (www.nationnews.com)

The Advocate (www.barbadosadvocate.com)

You will also find online publication Barbados Today (www.barbadostoday.bb) lists employment opportunities on the island.

Another excellent tip for job seekers is scanning employment-related websites. You could additionally consider applying directly to one of Barbados’ employment agencies. We’ve made it easy for you – refer to our Local Listings for a list of employment agencies to help you along on your job search.

Need more information? For all you need to know about job seeking on the island, please see our Finding a Job in Barbados page for further details.

Employment Requirements

Another essential employment consideration is whether you are considered to be national or non-national to the island.

Before commencing any employment here on the island, non-nationals seeking to work in Barbados are required to register for and obtain an immigration status or work permit from the Barbados Immigration Department.

Important: The potential employer must apply for and submit the work permit application to the Immigration Department, on behalf of the prospective employee.

The two main types of work permits available to non-nationals are:

short-term work permit (valid for a period of up to 11 months)
long-term work permit (valid for a period of up to 3 years).

It’s worthwhile noting that there is no guarantee the Immigration Department will approve your work permit – they take each application on a ‘case by case’ basis.

Note: Certain statuses granted by the Barbados Immigration Department, such as Immigrant Status, Permanent Residency, and Citizenship also carry specific entitlements about employment on the island. To find out more, please see our Immigration Requirements page.

Additionally, under certain conditions, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) nationals can be permitted to live and work in Barbados without a work permit. If this applies to you, you can register with the Barbados Immigration Department as a ‘CARICOM Skilled National‘ for employment purposes. For further information, visit www.immigration.gov.bb/pages/Caricom.aspx and always check with the Barbados Immigration Department regarding your eligibility. For a full list of CARICOM member and associate member states, you can also refer to the CARICOM website at www.caricom.org.

For extra information on permits and immigration requirements about non-national employment in Barbados, please refer to our Acquiring a Work Permit page.

Remember to network, network, network!

It’s essential to prove your business value and showcase your credentials upfront to potential employers when seeking to find a job on the island.

In Barbados, credentials also refer to your personal and professional connections and networks. Serious job seekers in Barbados should heed the saying, “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.” Make contact with like-minded people and those working in your industry here and abroad, attend relevant conferences, and join professional bodies relating to your area of expertise and personal interest.

Remember: Try to maintain a positive approach to your job search – it’s true when they say your attitude can make or break you in any industry. Many have been employed simply for an enthusiastic approach to life, rather than numerous degrees and qualifications.

Please see our Related Articles below for further insider tips and tricks relating to employment on the island.

Totally Barbados wishes you all the very best of luck!


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About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.