
Local Information

Local Information

Are you looking for local information about the island of Barbados? Barbados is an island of wonder to many people all over the world.

Not surprisingly, it’s one of the top hot spots for the rich and famous, as well as for those seeking some rest and party vibes in a tropical island paradise. Within our brief guide of local information, you’ll soon realize Barbados has it all.

Because of this, Barbados tends to receive a lot of press coverage. The island ranks highly in most global population indexes, which draws additional international interest and exposure.

In fact, according to The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index 2017 Report by “The World Economic Forum,” Barbados was named the highest-ranking destination in the Caribbean and the world’s 58th most innovative nation.

The Global Innovation Index ranks countries based on performance in a range of subcategories, including institutions, human capital and research; infrastructure; investment; market and business sophistication; and knowledge, technology, and creative outputs.

Want to Know More?

For more extra information, you can learn more at the Global Innovation Index 2017.

Barbados is also considered the most developed island in the region and was uniquely the only Caribbean island to remain under continuous British rule until its independence in 1966.

Noteworthy: the literacy rate in Barbados is close to 100%, one of the highest in the world.

Barbados celebrates its diversity in people and culture. The Barbadian population is a diverse mix of individuals, the majority of whom are of African descent.

However, the island is made up of a melting pot of people who are also of mixed race, Caucasian or European ancestry, East Indian, Oriental, and Middle Eastern.

Barbados Today

Barbados is now a thriving tourist hub of people visiting daily from all over the world.

Holidaymakers can enjoy breathtaking natural surroundings like white sandy beaches and turquoise waters, a consistently tropical climate, and hundreds of top-quality restaurants, shops, bars, and clubs right at their fingertips.

IN our list below, you’ll find all kinds of local information about Barbados, with our many pages of facts and figures about the island.


Barbados is a small island situated in the Caribbean above South America, northeast of Venezuela and north of Guyana. The Atlantic Ocean sits to the east of Barbados, and the Caribbean Sea to the west.

The terrain is relatively flat in comparison to other Caribbean islands; however, there is a gentle rise to a central highland region of Barbados.


Barbados’ history includes both African and British influences, and today’s Barbadians marry these two cultures into a combination of a vibrant, yet traditional melting pot of deep heritage and cultural tradition.

From the link above, you can learn more about the history of Barbados.


Barbados offers national healthcare to all of its residents.

Find out more about the Barbados healthcare system on Totally Barbados. You can also visit the Barbados Ministry of Health website at http://health.gov.bb/ for more healthcare information.

Facts about Barbados

There are many quirky facts about Barbados that are sure to interest and delight. Learn about island events to find out more about the country.


One of the reasons Barbados is popular with holidaymakers is the weather. With a consistently tropical climate and slight seasonal changes, what’s not to love?! :-)

Find out what you need to know about the weather in Barbados.


Barbadian culture is unique in that it is a real mixture of English and African cultures, amongst others.

This combination of influences are visible to the people, nightlife, food and drink, music, style, housing, and architecture; in just about everything, this island paradise has to offer.

Want to know how we get down in Barbados? Check out our page for Barbadian Culture.


The Barbadian population is a diverse ethnic mix of individuals, and it’s Barbadians, or ‘Bajans,’ that are a big part of what makes this island so special.

We took to the road and interviewed some of the most talented and influential people on the island.

Learn more about Barbados People and Meet a Bajan.

Barbados Maps

Barbados has a relatively good road system. However, it’s still recommended you consult a map before setting off on your journey. Signage can be limited as you move away from town and into the countryside.

View maps of Barbados here.

Our maps cover all the Towns and Places of interest you may wish to visit, and you will find help on our Barbados Google Map.

Discover Barbados

Explore Barbados and all it has to offer in the supplied list of local information.

By: Brett Callaghan

About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.