
Financing Business Ventures In Barbados

Financing Business Ventures In Barbados

Barbados Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 109 B, Brittons Hill, St. Michael, Barbados, W.I.
Telephone: (246) 826-2056, (246) 826-0747
Fax: (246) 826-9738
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.bdscham.com

Dear Business Colleague.

Financing Business Ventures In Barbados

One of the burning questions arising from the debate on who controls the economy in Barbados was the business community’s access to money to finance their business ventures.

The popular discussion might hover around who more easily obtains financing; but the more serious debate must deal with the substantive issues, e.g. what criteria do the financing agencies use to reach a decision on your application for funds; what kind of business plan should you submit with your application.

Other factors to be considered are the collateral needed by the applicant to meet the criteria set by the lending agencies; important too is what sort of businesses lend themselves more easily to ready acceptance, (or rejection); and there is the question whether decisions are made elsewhere other than in Barbados where the financing institution is an international entity.

The Chamber has invited a panel of representative financing agencies to discuss the subject: Financing Business Ventures in Barbados and to take us through their respective approaches to decision-making on this issue.

You and your guests are invited to join us at the 8th Annual Private Sector Forum at the Barbados Hilton Hotel on Wednesday 28 March 2007. The Forum is from 8.30 am to 12.00 pm followed by lunch.

Yours truly,

Ruall Harris

Ruall Harris
Executive Director

About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.