
Charities in Barbados

Like most countries in the world, you will find several charitable organizations and associations in Barbados. These are supported through donations from private individuals, businesses and visitors to Barbados.

While you are visiting Barbados, you may be asked to donate to some of these causes via donation tins, or you may even go to an event in aid of a particular charity.

It is also quite common in Barbados to be asked to donate to an individual’s cause. Usually, someone who needs to travel overseas for medical reasons and as this can be very costly, so it is usual to hold an event specifically for one’s person’s treatment.

The types of charities in Barbados vary, but the main ones are The Barbados Cancer Society and Cancer Support Services, which support cancer patients and their families. When you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, it is a very traumatic time for the entire family, and therefore these charities can provide information and literature on the type of cancer that you are dealing with, the prognosis and give you as a family help with counselling and preparing you for the treatment and aftercare.

There is also a Heart & Stroke Foundation, who similarly to the cancer charities, works to provide support and counselling not only for the patients who have suffered from a heart attack or stroke but for the families who are caring for the patient. For some people, when they have suffered from a stroke, they may not regain the use of individual limbs, and therefore they will have the added expense of making conversions to their homes. In these cases then the Heart & Stroke Foundation can assist financially as well.

There are also charities to help and provide care for the elderly in the community, especially in Barbados, where their own family may well be living overseas. These charities offer help around the house, helping with everyday household chores, grocery shopping, and generally providing these older adults with companionship and checking on their welfare.

There are many children’s charities whose aim is to help children who may not be lucky enough to live in a typical family environment. Some children in Barbados have been orphaned or have a parent with HIV/AIDS. Therefore these charities provide practical help with finances for these children and organize care and activities for them.

There are also charities for physically and mentally impaired persons and children. These charities provide support and counselling to the everyday carers and organize camps and outings to help these people lead a healthy life.

There are also general children’s charities that organize fun days with all profits helping children from underprivileged parts of the Barbadian community.

For the animal lovers amongst you, there are some stray cats and dogs in Barbados, and they’re a few charities who rescue, neuter and home these unwanted animals, in particular, The Hope Sanctuary and The Ark, who both do a fantastic job to keep these animals fed and watered.

If you would like to donate to any of these charities, organize an event on their behalf to raise funds or to work for them as a volunteer, then a full list can be found in the local yellow pages under Associations – Charitable.

If you would like to know more about becoming a volunteer for a Barbadian charity, then please read the article below.


About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.