
Errol Walton Barrow Roundabout

Errol Walton Barrow is the Father of Barbados’ independence and another of our national heroes.

Errol Barrow was born in the parish of St. Lucy and grew up in a traditional Bajan home, just another boy on the block. However, Mr. Barrow became the premier of Barbados in 1961 and held that position until 1966 when he led the country to Independence from Great Britain. Once our Independence was confirmed on November 311966, Errol Walton Barrow became Barbados’ first Prime Minister.

Errol Barrow fought against segregation in education, received an honorary doctorate of Civil Law from the McGill University of Canada, awards for outstanding service to the country and introduced a national insurance and social security scheme, as well as improving health care and accelerating industrial development in Barbados. During his second term as the Prime Minister of Barbados, merely one year after once again leading his party to victory, this time by the largest margin ever seen in Bajan history (even to this day)

Errol Walton Barrow died on June 1, 1987. His birthday, January 21, is observed as a national holiday here on the island and his face graces our fifty dollar note, commonly known as “The Errol.” His sister, Dame Nita Barrow was also a first in Barbados. She was Barbados’s first Governor-General, appointed after we received our Independence from Great Britain in 1966.

There is a roundabout in Barbados named for this great hero, located in Graeme Hall and sponsored by our local brewery, Banks.

During the Independence, Christmas and New Year season, it is typically one of the most beautifully decorated roundabouts on the island.

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National Hero of Barbados – Errol Walton Barrow

About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.