
Sir Garfield Sobers

Sir Garfield Sobers Roundabout

Garfield Sobers was born in 1936 in Bay Land, St. Michael, Barbados, and grew up to become internationally known as the greatest cricketer of all time. Garfield Sobers played cricket for the West Indies team from 1952 until 1974, when he retired at thirty-eight.

In 1975 his achievements in cricket and his outstanding contribution to the game, in general, were recognized by her majesty Queen Elizabeth II when he was knighted and became Sir Garfield Sobers.

Sir Gary Sobers (as he is known here in Barbados) has been described not only as of the greatest cricketer of all time but has also been called the cricketer’s cricketer, and he became a national hero of Barbados in 1998.

Sir Garfield Sobers rose from humble beginnings playing cricket in the streets and on the beach and went on to play on the West Indies team and captain it. He grew to become a hero and a knight, THE cricketer, an inspiration to us all.

A Barbados roundabout is named after this living legend as a tribute. It is called the Sir Garfield Auburn Sobers Roundabout and features a monumental statue in action. Beneath the figure is a plaque detailing his life and his significant achievements in cricket.

You can find the roundabout in Wildey, St. Michael, at one of the busiest junctions on the island and is proudly sponsored and maintained by the Sagicor Insurance Company.

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Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.