
Gun Hill Signal Station

The Barbados Gun Hill Signal Station is strategically placed on the highland of St. George and commands a magnificent view from east through south to the West – a perfect location!

This signal station in Barbados was restored by the Barbados National Trust in 1982 and opened to the public. The rooms at the back of the signal tower are filled with an interesting collection of memorabilia from the military.

Gun Hill is one of a series of 6 signal stations which were built and used as rallying points in the event of civil disorder and also for non-military purposes.


Interesting functions of the Barbados Gun Hill Signal Station:

— Conveying of information about meeting of the Council of Barbados. This was executed by the appropriate combination of flags on a Signal Staff at Government House and repeated almost immediately at the other signal stations.

Time telling – this was done by given special signals (time balls) hoisted at all signal stations

Hurricane warnings – As soon as there was a drop in barometer pressure, warnings were listed at signal stations. Of interest to note is the fact that when the British Military was withdrawn from the islands in the Caribbean, the British stopped subscription to the maintenance of the signal stations.

The Barbados Government then fully maintained the signal stations which then came under the control of the Inspector General of the Police. The introduction of the telephone saw the discontinuation of the signal stations as a means of passing messages.

The structure of the Signal Towers varied from tower to tower.

Gun Hill is hexagonal and indicates that it was rebuilt. There were other minor variations. The stations were built to accommodate two single men.

— The slits in the walls then enabled the signal man to communicate quickly with their sister stations.


There is more!

Come visit the Barbados Gun Hill Signal Station, enjoy the view and experience.

Opening times: Monday – Saturday 9:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m and some public holidays.

Entrance fees: BDS$10.00 adults; $5.00 children under 12 years and under.

Contact: Telephone (246) 429-1358.

A Café is located at the Barbados Gun Hill Signal Station.

About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.