
Three Houses

Take A Break At Three Houses

Three Houses is a wonderful national parkland area located on the south-east coast of Barbados, in the parish of St. Philip.

Why the name ‘Three Houses’, you might ask? The name ‘Three Houses’ comes from the fact that for some time there were in fact literally only three houses in the area.

Three Houses is a fantastic spot for a picnic and very popular with both locals and visitors alike.

This popular picnic spot is mostly frequented by locals on both weekends (especially on Sundays) and on public (bank) holidays, however Three Houses is a fabulous place to visit any day of the week.

There are picnic tables dotted all throughout the parkland with huge trees providing much needed shade from the heat of the day.

You can also set up your picnic blanket and gourmet treats, or simply take a nap, under the shelter of one of these magnificent trees. You’ll find you probably spend more time here than you had first anticipated.

Three Houses is located on a lush rolling hill so you can be guaranteed some lovely fresh easterly breezes and a picturesque view of the coastline of Barbados – a must for those holiday happy snaps!

There is also a playground with swings, monkey bars and slides, so it’s great for children as well as those who are young at heart.

Opposite the park, you will see the Three House facilities with showers and toilets so you don’t have to worry that you’ll be stuck in the middle of nowhere without somewhere to refresh yourself before you continue on your travels.

There are also streams flowing throughout the area and right next to the Three Houses facilities is a natural fresh water spring where you can also refresh yourself and cool off from the hot island sun.

You’ll often see locals taking a dip in this spring and enjoying the surrounds so why not join them? Relax yourself on the grassy banks under a tree next to the spring and take a fresh at your leisure.

Note: The area is patrolled by NCC security to ensure the facility is looked after and to ensure your safety.


What Are You Waiting For?

Three Houses park is a great stop off point to get out and stretch your legs when you’re touring the island, but is also a great destination in itself to spend the day relaxing, eating and socializing in nature and soaking up the beauty of Barbados.

Three Houses tends to be more lush and green during the rainier months of June to November, also the hottest and most humid months on the island.

The area then tends to be drier during the months of December to May, but is well worth the visit at any time of the year.

For more information on the seasons and climate in Barbados, see our page on Weather.


How Do I Get To Three Houses?

From Grantley Adams International Airport (GAIA), head north following the signs for Sam Lord’s Castle.

The road bends to the right and is sign-posted Sam Lord’s. Follow the road to the right, then the road bends left, and is sign-posted The Crane.

Follow this road past Budget Supermarket, where you may wish to stop off and pick up picnic supplies, and then go past St. Martin’s Church.

You will pass Foul Bay on your right, then Crane Beach, also on your right.

When you come to a roundabout, turn left.

Then, turn right where you see the sign which says Long Bay via Sam Lord’s.

Continue down this road and take the last left-hand turn.

Go all the way up to the end of the road then turn right.

On your right, you’ll see a road called Eastbourne.

After the bend in the road, turn right where you will see the Wishing Well Bar.

Go straight to the end of this road and you will find Bottom Bay on your right.

Three Houses is sign-posted from here.

You will see the beautiful stretch of open land and you know you’ve finally arrived at your destination.

Hint: If in any doubt about directions, simply stop off and ask a local. Bajans are always happy to help out and will set you on the right track to Three Houses, no problems!

Author: Brett Callaghan

About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.