
Morgan Lewis Mill

Morgan Lewis Mill

The Mill was built in the early 1700’s and worked until approximately 1945. This gives the Morgan Lewis Mill the distinction of being one of the longest operating mills in the Caribbean and now there is the added distinction of being the best preserved.

The striking similarity to the Dutch Windmill may be attributed to the Dutch who settled in the Caribbean by way of Brazil and who were the pioneers both in the cultivation of sugar cane and in the manufacture of cane sugar.

Remember, it was sugar production which made Barbados Britain’s most valuable possession in the Americas during the 17th and 18th centuries.

In 1981 a small Museum was established inside the base of the Mill.

In 1996 a fuller restoration of the Mill was started and completed in 1999 by a team of professional Millwrights from the Chiltern Partnership from the U.K working alongside local craftsmen and volunteers.

This restoration was funded from American Express (World Monuments Watch) and several local and international businesses and individuals.

In December 1999 there was a celebrity Historic Mill turning of a newly restored Morgan Lewis Mill when canes were ground to produce cane juice.

At the moment the Mill is closed to the visiting public while major restoration and maintenance work is in progress.

Sadly, the Mill was damaged by lightning in 2008 and the process of restoration has begun and funding to carry out the work is still being sought.

The work is expected to cost BDS$300,000.00 and will once again be undertaken by Millwrights from the U.K who are familiar with the Mill.

Donations may be sent to the Barbados National Trust to help defray restoration costs. You may contact us by filling out the form below or call (246) 436-9033 or (246) 426-2421.

It is hoped that by mid – 2010 the Mill will once again be opened to the public and will be ready to receive and grind canes.

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About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.