
Wine in Barbados

Historically everyone associates rum with Barbados, as rum production on the island dates back several hundred years.

However, social drinking habits have moved in the modern era, and wine consumption in Barbados has increased in popularity not only with visitors and ex-Pats, but with many local people.

Over the past fifteen years there has been a dramatic increase in wine consumption in Barbados, and suppliers have moved to meet this demand with a wider variety of wine products, and much better pricing.

The quality and availability of good wines in Barbados these days is significantly better than before, not least because the local consumer is far more knowledgeable and demanding in the wine they wish to drink.

A huge part of the enjoyment of drinking wine is deciding whether you prefer white, red, or blush wines, and discovering wines from different countries and continents.

Trying a different wine is a completely new experience, and the dynamic that makes wine drinking so unique. There are many different grape varieties, and these determine the nature of the wine that you may eventually decide is a particular favourite.

In Europe, grape varieties tend to become fashionable and then fade off the scene only to reappear again a few years later. Currently Pinot Grigot appears to be the favourite grape variety in Europe, but this could well change to Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc as consumers move to something different.

Wine drinking does not have to be an expensive pastime, and excellent bottles of wine are available in Barbados from as little as BDS $17.

There are now plenty of reputable wine suppliers on the island, and some retailers even offer a free home delivery service. Wines are also available at most supermarkets and mini-marts, and in convenience stores throughout the island.

Wine has never been more available in Barbados, and the variety and cost varies accordingly. For example, if anyone fancies buying a present for a special friend then the three wines to note are:

— Dom Rominee Conti 1997 at US $1,540 per bottle,

— Petrus Pommerol 1998 at US $1,459 per bottle and

— Chateau Le Pin Pomeral at US $908 US per bottle.

Not bad for a special friend?


Wine quotations to flavour your palate…

— “Wine is sunlight held together by water”- Gallileo Galileu (Italian scientist 1564-1641)

— “A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine” – Anthelme Brillat-Saverin (French Gastro 1752- 1821)

— “Life is too short not to enjoy great wine” – Andrew Niven (Barbados wine merchant 2010).

I hope you enjoy your stay in Barbados and especially enjoy the great wines that are available to you in this delightful location.


History of Wine

There is plenty of proof that wine has been around for thousands of years. Historical records have shown clear evidence of early wine production on ancient archeological sites in Macedonia, and we all know that wine consumption was common in classical Greek and Rome times. And of course, down through the years, the Christian church became a staunch supporter of the wine necessary for the celebration of Catholic Mass.

From the 15th century onwards wine production steadily increased and hundreds of European vineyards were established. In due course the development of the French vineyards gathered momentum, and became world famous.

The reputation of the best-known vineyards has been very important down the years, and all across Europe, vineyards established their own particular niche in an industry that continued to grow as the product reached new markets across the globe.

The European vineyards have dominated the wine industry down the years, but in the modern era wine production has expanded all over the world.

Some of the best wines are now being produced in USA, Australia, New Zealand, and in South America. And despite its challenging climate, there is even some wine production in the UK!

Of course this is all good news for the wine consumer because the increased production has increased supply, and driven down prices.

However, there will always be expensive wines, but in the modern world there are also many less expensive wines which are of excellent quality.

About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.