
Barbados Newspapers

Need News In Barbados?

The most obvious choice for news in Barbados is the local newspaper; however, there are also alternative options available for you to get your island news.

The Internet has become immensely powerful communications medium and accessible websites such as our internationally acclaimed Totally Barbados and the online newspaper Barbados Today, which can both provide you with a wide variety of news and information relating to Barbados at the simple click of a finger.

There’s also the option of connecting via social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter as well as relevant island blogs to receive all your news as it comes to hand.

Read All About It!

There are two leading local newspapers in Barbados – The Barbados Nation (https://www.nationnews.com) and The Barbados Advocate (https://www.barbadosadvocate.com).

Both publish a daily publication that includes local, regional and international news, as well as sections assigned to real estate, business and finance, letters to the Editor, classifieds, horoscopes, comics, sports, and entertainment, among others. Both newspapers also offer various special interest inserts and magazines on certain days of the week.

Both papers have a delivery service and are also available online – so even when you’re away from our beautiful island, you can keep up to date with all our latest news.

The Barbados Advocate

Better known as “The Advocate,” this locally-owned newspaper was first established in 1895.

Published daily, the Barbados Advocate also offers special inserts on various days of the week. These special interest lift outs cover topics such as business, youth affairs, fashion, and entertainment.

For further information, please contact The Barbados Advocate at (246) 467-2000.

The Barbados Nation

Established in 1973, the Barbados Nation News publication is the dominant daily newspaper in Barbados.

Commonly called “The Nation,” it is published by the leading print media house in Barbados, The Nation Publishing Co. Limited.

The paper has a total of five newspapers throughout the working week. The name of the newspaper changes depending on the day of the week – Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays it’s known as the Daily Nation, Wednesday’s edition is the Midweek Nation, Friday is the Weekend Nation, then there’s the Saturday Sun and Sunday Sun.

Similar to The Advocate, The Nation also has various special interest inserts within the newspaper. Topics covered include business, entertainment, sports, fashion, and comics, to name a few.

The Nation also publishes a monthly health magazine called Better Health which is considered to be the island’s leading magazine for health and wellness information.

The Nation Publishing Co. Limited additionally produces The Business Authority, a weekly publication primarily for professionals that contains detailed business news.

For further information, please contact The Nation at (246) 430-5400.

Online Newspapers And Regional News

Although traditional news media is still favored by many on the island, you also have the option of local online newspapers and websites such as Barbados Today for your daily news fix.

News blogs such as Barbados Underground (http://barbadosunderground.wordpress.com), The Bajan Reporter (https://www.bajanreporter.com) and original – The Barbados Free Press (http://barbadosfreepress.wordpress.com) also offer all the latest news and social commentary direct from the island.

For all of your online Caribbean regional news, try Caribbean360 (www.caribbean360.com) or the Barbados-based Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) (https://www.caribvision.tv/).

The one (1) TV station in Barbados, the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation CBC (https://www.cbc.bb/) is also used for breaking news on the island.

So, as you can see, with all of this news and media options, you’re sure never to miss any of the island’s news and action. Happy reading!

Author: Brett Callaghan

About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.