
Flights between the Caribbean islands for just US$9.99?

Flights between the Caribbean islands for just US$9.99?

Flights between the Caribbean islands for just US$9.99?

Imagine the possibilities…

A new airline REDjet is being formulated which will offer the public pan Caribbean low fare flights for the first time.

REDjet is set to be the ‘Ryan Air’ of the Caribbean and announced it would be selling plane tickets for just US$9.99 before tax. There are currently three airlines that run between the Caribbean islands, the most popular being Caribbean Airlines. The average cost of a return flight to another island is currently around US$260.

REDjet could therefore change the landscape of the Caribbean population dramatically. Suddenly locals would be able to travel between the islands freely at a very affordable price. This could result in the Caribbean islands becoming more integrated by bringing the different populations closer together.

In addition, it may change the way holiday-makers travel. Rather than staying at one hotel resort for the whole one to two weeks, tourists will be able to ‘island hop’ with ease at a very affordable price opening up a whole world of exciting opportunities to the holiday-maker, hotels and tourist attractions. This added versatility will make the Caribbean an even more appealing holiday destination and would hopefully encourage more people to spend their holidays here.

REDjet is being created by Ian and Robbie Burns, and already has 64 members of staff. Its aircrafts, acquired from American Airlines, are being refurbished right now in Costa Rica.

REDjet is currently awaiting final approval from the Ministry of Foreign Trade, and the acquisition of a license from the Barbados Civil Aviation Department. It has the support of Richard Sealy, The Minister of Tourism, who believes REDjet “will benefit the tourism industry in the long term.”
(Richard Sealy, Minister of Tourism, Press briefing recently held at the ex-Sherbourne centre.)

The licence was anticipated to be granted on the 1st December, 2010. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that REDJet will be taking off soon.

Additional Information:

December 10th, 2010


About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.