
Legacy Vision for Barbados Copy

The Legacy Vision for Barbados

Legacy Barbados Plan provided by…
Mr. Peter Boos, Chairman
Mr. David Reeves, Manager of Legacy Barbados.

To download and read the full 24 page PDF version of “The Legacy Vision for Barbadosclick here. (1.36 MB Please be patient for download to complete). Should you wish to save this for future use, simply right click on the link and choose “save target as”.

Making Barbados the number one place to Live, Work, Play and Invest!

Legacy is the short and long-term benefit a country and its people experience as a result of successfully hosting major international events like ICC Cricket World Cup 2007.

Why Has Barbados Focused On Legacy?
During the Bid, potential areas for legacy were identified, from the redevelopment of Kensington oval to Traffic Management to the Environment. We recognized that for the country to realize the maximum returns relative to the expenditure, it would be essential for all legacy aspects to be mined and leveraged in specific ways.

How are we Doing It?
A Legacy Sub-Committee to the Board of World Cup Barbados (WCB) was formed, together with a series of teams totaling about 75 persons, representing a wide cross-section of Barbados. These teams have worked to craft the Legacy Vision, select the Target Areas, and identify what are the likely Strategic Objectives for us to focus on to deliver the legacy.

The next step is for all persons with an interest in Barbados to share their thoughts and make the plans the best that we can make them, as we strive to “Make Barbados the Number One Place” for all of us to live, work, play and invest!

What are the leading International legacy consultants saying about Barbados’ undertaking for legacy?
“Legacy Barbados’ National Plan for Legacy puts the island, without doubt, amongst the leading countries in the world in the arena of effective legacy planning and sustainable implementation.

They have harnessed the tremendous opportunity that staging a major sporting events such as ICC CWC 2007 creates and can demonstrate innovative programmes and groundbreaking ideas that put many larger (and first world) countries to shame.

Barbados is now up there with other notable role models and examples of best practice including Vancouver (2010 Winter Olympics) and London (2012 Summer Olympics).
Leading rights and franchise holders such as the international Olympic Committee now view legacy planning as a pivotal part of the bidding process. They are “raising the bar” on their requirements for concrete evidence of sustainable benefits in the event delivery and post event stages.

These requirements will be highlighted at the inaugural International Legacy Conference in London in January 2007. Little wonder therefore that of the very few countries and cities invited to spread the message on best practice legacy planning at this conference, Barbados is at the top of this select list.

pmpLEGACY is very proud to have been associated with Legacy Barbados’ inspirational vision and action plans”

Peter Mann
Chairman, pmpLEGACY – UK

What are some of the best examples of other countries using major sporting events to create positive legacies?

* Before the 1992 Olympic Games held in Barcelona, the city was the 16th most popular tourist destination in Europe. By 2005, it has become the lead city in the European short break market.

* Sydney’s 2000 Olympic Games legacy plan created “Brand Australia” to harness the focus and publicity generated by the event. This created over A$9bn of additional publicity and a similar figure of additional spend from 1.6 million visitors between 1997 and 2001.

* Ghana is staging the African Cup of Nations (football) in 2008. Ghana is delivering new sustainable stadia and a programme that, through the introduction of the National Sports Act, increases access to facilities and creates sports development initiatives for the whole population.

* Vancouver’s bid for the 2010 Winter Olympics has developed one of the most comprehensive legacy strategies ever created. Some ten years before the event itself, Vancouver created the independent organization, 2010 Legacies Now, which is charged with developing sustainable legacies in sport, recreation, arts, literacy and volunteerism.

Legacy is unfolding all around us…long before 2007!

The New Kensington Oval
We will now have an even stronger brand that will become:
1. A premier multi-purpose facility, hosting major sporting, cultural and entertainment events.
2. A significant tourist attraction adding to Barbados’ tourism product and revenue.

Regional and Economic Links
Businesses throughout the region are using the momentum of this event to form a Caribbean Business Club which will seek to form new partnerships, expand capacity and services and explore new markets.

1. Road infrastructure across the country is being significantly improved for years to come.
2. A synchronized traffic light system will be implemented by the end of 2006 to create smoother traffic flows.

To download and read the full 24 page PDF version of “The Legacy Vision for Barbados” click here. (1.36 MB Please be patient for download to complete)

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About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.