
Traveler Review 2006 – Gwen and Nigel Goodwin from Shropshire, UK

Traveler Review 2006 – Gwen and Nigel Goodwin from Shropshire, UK

We spoke to Gwen and Nigel Goodwin who are currently here on holiday in Barbados from Shropshire, UK. This is their fifth trip to Barbados, and say it is such a perfect holiday they have no need to go anywhere else!

They stay with friends when they are here and are delighted with their accommodation. When it comes to choosing their favourite beach they are torn between the tranquillity of Miami Beach located in Christ Church on the south coast of the island and Reads Bay on the west coast.

They usually hire a jeep when they are on the island as their chosen method of transport – this way they can alternate between their favourite beach on the west and the other on the south.

So what keeps them coming back to Barbados, year after year – their answer is simple – the people are fantastic and really friendly!

When eating out they like to go to Luigi’s at the end of St. Lawrence Gap, on the south coast.

For them the highlight of the holiday is being on the beach, and appreciating these stolen weeks in paradise!

For their best Bajan experience they recommend at day the races, which are held at The Garrison Savannah Racetrack every other Saturday.

About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.